Hear What Folks Are Saying...
"Discovering Girasole Backyard Gardens has been the biggest blessing in our family's healthy lifestyle evolution. Honestly there's just nothing that compares to the freshness of having access to our own fresh organic veggies on a daily basis. Andy's full-service offering has been the icing on the cake, making it the ultimate no-brainer decision for our busy lives". |
"Andy built our raised garden beds a little over a year ago and since then we have had wonderful vegetables that we pick daily. My husband and I go for a walk each morning but not before visiting our garden to snack on tomatoes, broccoli, peas, cucumbers or whatever looks good that morning. Each week when Andy arrives to tend the beds, he shares all sorts of knowledge about how to garden. At first we thought we might tend our garden without Andy’s help but now realize that not only are we getting an education but the garden is always in top condition, consistently producing the veggies we want. If a problem does arrive, Andy is always available. So far I have stated what any one of Andy’s satisfied customers might say about their garden but as a family we feel the benefits on a higher level too. Simply stated, Andy took a bare spot in our backyard and created a place where we go every day and feel happiness and fulfillment". |